Premium Dedicated Servers

Fully dedicated without the dedicated price tag! Various configurations, operating systems, and locations to choose from, all at affordable prices; deployed instantly.

Los Angeles


Our network and hardware allow you to host without worry. From enterprise hardware to amazing support, we've got you covered.


All of our dedicated servers come with remote IPMI/iKVM (secured via ACL), this allows clients to manage their servers with ease without having to worry about security.

Remote Management

Ignero provides an automated solution, this allows you to easily perform your server actions such as power management and KVM through our dedicated server control panel.

Premium Network

Every dedicated server you lease with Ignero comes with a premium network connection to multiple Tier-1 ISPs. This allows for an amazing low latency hosting experience.

Supported Operating Systems

IPMI/KVM - Install your own OSLoad via ISO
UbuntuVersions 18.04 & 20.04
AlmaLinuxVersion 8 & 9
DebianVersions 10 & 11
Windows Server 2019Bring Your Own Key
Windows Server 2022Bring Your Own Key

If needed, open a ticket and ask us to mount your preferred OS ISO.

DDoS Protection

Our network is capable of filtering up to 10Gbps worth of attacks per server. Network traffic is monitored 24/7 and block both protocol and volume based attacks in under one second without interruption.

Various Attacks
Internal Traffic
Legitimate Traffic
UDP Flood
NTP Amplification
DNS Amplification
ICMP Flood
SYN Flood

Hardware Upgrades

Easily order custom servers tailored specifically for your hosting needs.

Additional RAM

32GB to 64GB - $15.00/mo

32GB to 128GB - $45.00/mo

Additional NVMe

500GB NVMe SSD - $8.50/mo

1TB NVMe SSD - $12.50/mo

2TB NVMe SSD - $25.00/mo

Additional SSD

500GB SATA SSD - $8.00/mo

1TB SATA SSD - $12.00/mo

2TB SATA SSD - $24.00/mo

Additional Bandwidth

20TB Bandwidth - Included

50TB Bandwidth - $7.50/mo

100TB Bandwidth - $15.00/mo

Additional IPs

1 IP Address - Included

5 IP Addresses - $8.00/mo

13 IP Addresses - $20.80/mo

Automated Server Panel

Easily manage your dedicated server with our panel. A few features of the panel are OS reloads, power options, secure IPMI and port management; even sub-assigning the dedicated server to your staff can be done with a few clicks!

Frequently Asked Questions

What operating systems may I install?
We provide a wide array of operating systems in which you can install on your server. We also allow clients to install their own operating systems through IPMI.
Are the servers unmanaged?
Yes, all of our server plans are unmanaged. If you need help please contact our friendly support team for issues regarding network or hardware.
Is Ignero hardware owned or leased?
Ignero builds, owns and racks all of our hardware by hand. We do not outsource to a third-party, this means that hardware replacement will be speedy and on time.
Where are the servers located?
Our Dedicated Servers are located in Los Angeles. We do plan on expanding to more locations in the future.
How quickly will my server be deployed?
All dedicated servers will be deployed within 20 minutes of order. If not, please allow up to 48 hours for us to provision the machine.
I don't see the configuration I'm looking for?
If you are looking for a custom server, please contact our sales department and we can get you a quote within 24 hours.
Does Ignero offer redundancy?
We offer network and hardware redundancy through multiple upstream providers and UPS'.